Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Amorphous sensations

A shudder of anticipation
a caressing glance of acceptance

The deep blue sky is the backdrop
to this exchange of souls

The world streams by
unable to stress it's presence

Passions bloom
like flowers in spring time

Words are made redundant
in the ceaseless gush of expressions

Bliss has a form, it is this.

Monday, 13 August 2007


I write this knowing that my words will be an understatement to what this book stands for. I write this, like always, for myself. I write this in my never ending pursuit of bridging the gap between thoughts, feelings and expressions.

Fountainhead written by Ayn Rand is a tribute to the heroic in man. A hero that exists in each of us most often drowned in the torrent of the majorities. The virtue of self-love is the root to all other legitimate emotions and thoughts. One must start by agreeing that one exists and then move on to using the 'I' in the truest sense of the word.

The world around treat their own existence with contempt and pass this on to their progeny. This is a vicious cycle with very few anomalies. These iconoclasts are antagonised to a point where it seems like living for oneself is a sacrilege. Selflessness and altruism are glorified and the world begins moving into nothingness. People become nothing but a collective void feeding on the fountainhead.

Ayn Rand has written Fountainhead for those that understand, accept and live it and not for the multitude that don't. What makes the book even more endearing is that she wrote it primarily for herself.

Roark, Dominique, Toohey and Keating are not people but symbols for attributes present within all of us. It's our choices that connect us to them. The love, passion, hate, suffering, conformism, selflessness and cruelty are all portrayed using these characters. The very fact that some can visualize and connect to the characters and the emotions that went into driving this character is a tribute to Ayn's work.

Pure, raw, unblemished thoughts, feelings and passionate individuality are what I saw in this book.

"My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being , with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest ability, and reason as his only absolute" - Ayn Rand

No black

It's a force powerful enough to shake souls and break many. I feel it in pulses searing through my being ripping through my senses. I feel it permeate but only this much. It won't break me... only make me stronger.

Pain isn't darkness. Darkness would mean attributing it with nothingness. I don't see black, I see a blood red. I choose the path and embrace all the possibilities including the most painful one. We often underestimate that one.

Why do people not want to look into themselves? Why does blood count? What makes people mould lives proportional to the norms of everything around them instead of nurturing freedom? Do I really want to know these answers? Why does the lack of answers hurt me?

I feel the rocks burning against my palms, the scorching heat on my head, fatigue piercing every muscle in my body and a heart burning with a desire to get to the pinnacle. The pinnacle of existence.. of life.. of me.

Tuesday, 7 August 2007


Feelings and thoughts can be so complex and unique. Most often, we use words as our means express these. There are some sensations that are painfully difficult to express in words. Nevertheless, my relentless foray into using language to the fullest continues.

"What is the alternative to words?", I kept asking myself. Why do I need an alternative to words? To get a thought across to someone who does not know about its existence and as a result does not understand it. One could choose to complement verbal expression with eyes, body language, tones, pauses, volume etc. This leads to a more consummate form of communication.

Until recently, I felt communication was necessary to express something. What when you simply know what someone thinks and feels! Makes communication redundant in this case. I do not speak of a surreal telepathic relationship but a connection where the souls are so exposed that any form of communication becomes either redundant or inadequate.

Monday, 6 August 2007

Setting sail

The oceans beckon
while the island I leave behind
has it's arms wide open in an embrace.

I take my island with me
on this journey into the unknown.

Times may change,
these moments will stay forever
engraved in my spirit.

Moments of passion, ecstasy, bliss,
connections, sensations, purity, comfort...

When I will return, i know not.
But return, I will.

Feeling emotions to their fullest
stretching my being to what seems like bursting point.

Knowing that I won't cave in,
knowing i won't succumb.

Walking my path is torturous...
and blissful since the path is MINE.

The space I call home

Itinerant, as my life has inevitably been, it’s time for another change. Talk about adrenaline rushes! The step off the comfortably predictable onto the unpredictable edge, not knowing what is to become of me. I walk away knowing and feeling only the complete existence of my body and soul. Will it hurt to leave? Yes, terribly. I now understand what Roark meant when he said that it hurt only up to a certain point. I feel it through me for what I leave behind and what I carry with me.

People may feel freedom after shrugging of their shackles of comfort zones. I was already free and venture into the unknown with the same freedom. What do I feel? I leave myself here as I move away. There’ll always be a pull because these moments are such a fundamental part of me. This does not imply that I don’t take myself on this journey. I’ve shared so much of myself with the circumstances here that they’ve become an indelible part of me. I carry all this with me wherever I go. That is what will bring me back someday; connection, love, passion, freedom, ecstasy, energy, sensuality and soul.

I’m home with the memories, feelings and thoughts. I’ll soon be home with reality.

Saturday, 4 August 2007


Madhyamaka is the vista to salvation. This is what Buddha believed. Madhyamaka must necessarily imply moderation of emotions and actions. Passion is not a moderate emotion... in fact, nowhere near the median!

Do I really want the madhyamaka? Am i ready for it yet? Have I experienced both extremes? How is one to understand the value of the middle path without knowing the extremes?

I prefer to dwell in my passion for now. Madhyamaka can wait.