Friday 6 July 2007

Judge not

For ye shall be judged in the kingdom of heaven.

From childhood, I’ve been asked not to judge. Why? Because the authority to judge rests with god. “Blah!”, I thought as a child. “Then all I’m supposed to do is see!”

This made life look pretty boring changing me from an almighty human being to a docile living creature whose life itself depended upon the judgment of the lord.

Why do I say that life is restricted to seeing? Because, understanding something in totality is what leads to wisdom and holistic understanding involves not only the subject in question but also its moral/ethical and allied impacts. So wisdom then would mean logical interpretation and judgment.

I must add to this that being an agnostic atheist adds a considerable advantage to this stance. There is no big guy writing the rule book for me perched on a throne in heaven… So hey! I guess I’ll have to do it by myself!

What makes a judgment of a human different from that of a wine? I analyze the characteristics of both and decide what I like about them and what I don’t. Then what does the world have against the former?

A human without these opinions is more like a non entity watching the world pass by and doing nothing because it isn’t allowed the right to react. Very much like a surveillance camera that watches stoically as a bank is looted with nothing more than empty black stare to offer.

I’d like to rewrite a couple of the commandments then.

1. I judge therefore I am.
2. I am, therefore I fear not another man’s judgment.

Sorry big guy. The glory is all mine for now!


Rosh said...

happy to see that u ve included THE LAST TIME THEY MET as one of yr fav books....not many pple have been able to be so perceptive!(i had given the book to many pple)
.....circumstances....serendipity..watever...this journey called life has been blissful....

Rosh said...

hey!!! ya! judgement!!!!its so complex...thers so much involved...whn u analyze the different aspects of a human being....its only abt wat u like or dont like....which can be so limited!( do we know? really? wat we like or dont?? its all so relative!)
and of course we dont have to bother abt JUDGEMENTS....but then AGAIN....our students... our children..we dont want impressionable minds working overtime!!!!!