Sunday 21 September 2008

These blinds

A slanted ray of golden sun

another cloudy day seems done.

Through these blinds I do not see

what lies beyond that's wild and free

I await a glimpse of sunlight bright

reflecting in your eyes, that sight

Dreams unlived and moments shared

through day and night, we've grown and lived

A life to the fullest, a dream so real

I feel the sun these blinds conceal.

To walk into your warmth once more

to smell the life and see it grow.

My soul knows not another goal.

To open the blinds and let in the light

and share it with you into the night.


Rosh said...

beautiful...good to read yr words again....

Rosh said...
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TJ said...

very soothing and warm bhai... and the effortless rhyme is beautiful =)