Tuesday, 20 February 2007


Let the words cascade
Quenching the thirst of our being

The soul is then left
With a void, barriers fleeing

All that remains is silence
To feel existence in this realm

Our souls naked
Our lives free of crack or seam

Like the black waters
And the night sky

No horizons, just a vast expanse of darkness
Spotted with starlight and glowing specks that fly.


Rosh said...

words can touch the very depths of the soul......
and silence helps.....
ive read somewhere that lonliness is a prelude to boredom and then when boredom shakes the hell out of u ..... inspiration sets in..... so lonliness/ being alone.. is so condusive to creativity!!!

The Girl said...

When silence spoke.
He was loud enuf 2 wake me up
Not jus from dreams
But from reality too
When silence cried
He was joyful enuf 2 envelop me along
And wen he kept silent.
He was kind enuf 2 keep me quiet too