Friday, 28 September 2007


The masses are dreadfully inconsequential in my scheme of life. Once in a rare while i crash into someone who is free... free from the inanities of conformism. It's like a patch of warm sunlight on a chilly day. Like a dew drop in the desert :-)

There are no boundaries to connections. Startling similarities become a pleasant reality. Words become redundant because the foundations are already built. Built by the reality of our existence. Words serve only one purpose then; a means to accentuating more pleasure in our (already pleasurable) lives!

Sharing visions, thoughts, feelings and actions is what makes a relationship. Anything short of this is a compromise usually struck to camouflage the voids.

My life is wonderful! It's worth living... :-)


~ a said...

we're writing similar things!! :)

M. James said...

now... y am i not surprised... :-)