Thursday, 4 October 2007

The edge is near

Swollen veins, throbbing heart
face taut, eyes hard

A body built to fly,
a mind fit for war

Waiting can be a torture,
patience a thorn

Idleness is a burden
like chaining wings to the ground

The sweat drips slowly
of excitement not fatigue

While the hands shudder
with the life inside urging for flight

What brings a smile is a simple thought...
The edge is near and I feel my wings willing and strong.

1 comment:

~ a said...

what i find beautiful is that you make the entire idea/concept of a fight appear almost as if it were a dance, a creative expression, not of wrath or menace, but of technique, skill and pace...

the tension, the urge, the actual reality, seems milder, softer, almost like a filter for a photo! :)