Monday 23 June 2008

The sunburnt smile

There was once a man who was stuck temporarily in the fallouts of his own choices. He didn't complain and went on living life with the same ebullience as before. He made wonderful discoveries even in the underbelly of his seemingly bleak circumstances. He was living life to the fullest and now it felt even fuller.

As the dull beat of time clicked by, he pushed himself into a plethora of diverse situations. This plunge acquainted him with the meaning of manual labour, higgs bosons, politics, business, bliss and impatience. He refused to run towards the end of the tunnel. He decided to walk towards those lights slow and steady... too proud to break into a run and too impatient to continue walking. He worked his tired body into a work machine... his sleepless brain into a sponge that soaked everything of value around him.

And as the sweat dripped down his brow and his veins swelled like roots across his arms... he looks into the horizon and smiles.... smiles at the sun that smiles back... at the moon beyond and at his tryst with infinity.

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