Thursday, 15 November 2007

Peace at gunpoint

I've been asked several times... What drives people to killing an innocent human in cold blood? The question to ask is... What does this man FEEL while killing another? Does he feel anything at all? What should be done when such a man has an innocent man, woman or child at gunpoint? Negotiate?

This is the primary function of the UN peacekeeping forces, keeping peace at gunpoint. Using the gun when there is no other way. But, if we think about putting an essentially supra-national humanitarian peacekeeping force that steps in to stop all forms of violence inflicted on innocent people, we cannot possibly think of putting this force under the control of an organization that derives its legitimacy from its member states. These member states have a complex mesh of national political interests at stake that prevents them from taking purely global humanitarian decisions.

So what is the ideal solution?

Creating an armed peacekeeping group not controlled by any nation but by a single truly supra-national organization. What will be required for legitimate intervention is endorsement by nations, especially the government of the nation that is a becoming a victim to mindless violence. Now, what if the government in question is either the cause of the problem or defunct? What becomes necessary in this case is circumventing the system.

Though unfortunate, the reality is this... To be effective in humanitarian intervention, states must be circumvented. The condition of sovereignty stands valid only if the state is effectively responding to violence being inflicted upon it's innocent citizens. So, logically speaking, circumvention is justified. Realistically speaking, such an organization would quickly become illegal... some might even label it as a terrorist group forcing it to go underground.

So this peacekeeping group will need funds. Where will that come from? Governments are out. Private sources are the only solution apart from self-sustaining projects. It will definitely require a huge fund base to fight maniacs with guns and politicians with words.


~ a said...

okay you're a supra national force, but your intervention will be without the consent of the country in question, obviously since they would not accept an outsider from killing people in their own states, the fact that they do it themselves would be avoided.

It's a mess from all sides! You're going to be fighting all those elements which a) Create the disharmony and disrupt the peace
b) Which are fighting against them

Who would support such a cause? It would make sense if you opened a mutual fund and systematically invested money in the stocks and got your funding from there!

M. James said...

:-) What I had in mind was an inbred business venture that would supply the funding. maybe hedge funds, maybe something else... hundreds of opportunities there.

now, i dont see any reason y we wouldn't ally ourselves with government forces that are working towards the maintenance of peace? I don't see any reason y they would refuse our assistance if maintenance of peace is their priority. if it isn't they would refuse and yes, we'd have trouble from another side.

Rosh said...

have u heard of the felix culpa?

M. James said...

the fortunate sin?