Wednesday 11 April 2007

Moolah talk

Well, some long overdue talk about this amazing thing that makes and breaks plenty of lives. Moving great economies and newly married couples alike. The reason this pops up is obviously because it's starting to irritate me a little bit now. One starts realizing the value of money once we have something to gain or lose from it.

That brings it down to priorities then. We speculate on the monetary value of our priorities and start slogging it out accordingly. We spend a large proportion of our lives playing roles... like a actor in a play. "Hey Mr. Playwright! how about cutting me some slack!", our minds seem to keep shouting on this arduous journey toward a goal we choose.

I feel the danger lies in the power of the script to alter our being. It has the capability to leave us numb...numb enough to forget our goal or forget it's importance or even what it felt like to have the fire of purpose.

Many choose this warpath. Many lose. Why pit ourselves against ourselves? I would understand fighting the world. But, why fight our being?

I think about this illusive medium of exchange often. "How much does it matter?", I keep asking myself. "Not much!", comes the answer... The best things in life come free.


Jil Jil Ramamani said...

The best things in life come free....the next best cost.

Who sez u always get the best?

M. James said...

true... one strives for the best. the moolah that one requires is to get thru the stuggle. depends on one's deepest desires really... very subjective... wht say?